New Community Herbalist

Six years ago I never really dreamed that I would be creating my own business to support my local community in Southeast London. I discovered herbal medicine by accident really, amazed that as well as providing us and other animals with food, clothing and shelter; plants also provide us with valued medicine. Remember when you were a kid and your elders would always have some homemade remedy that they would try to make you drink/eat? Concoctions such as lemon and ginger tea for colds, elderberry syrup to support your immune system, Chamomile Tea for stomach aches? Well many of these traditional remedies (which are increasingly supported by scientific research) are based on the fact that plant medicine does work.

I, like most of us, have had my own health challenges over the last few years, and herbal medicine has been invaluable to me for stress support (5 years of studying as a Medical Herbalist wasn’t always easy!), and to guide me through my own peri-menopause experience.

I am really excited to be starting this new business where I live and sharing all of the knowledge that I have learnt to help support my local community with any health concerns.

So what can you expect from a herbal consultation? Seeing a herbalist is a bit like seeing your GP with the main difference being that your GP generally only has 10 minutes to allocate to each patient and generally tends to focus on one symptom at a time. As a Medical Herbalist, I will spend an hour with you at your first appointment, understanding your current health concerns as well as trying to understand the underlying causes that can be contributing to your existing symptoms. We will work together to improve your health - looking at your diet, your lifestyle, creating manageable steps to help you on the path to well-being.

Whether you have been experiencing your current symptoms for a long time or if they have appeared only recently herbal medicine can help! So do get in contact with me to arrange an appointment and if you are unsure, we can arrange an initial call to discuss whether herbal medicine is right for you!